26 - 30
June 2023
Gumilyov Eurasian National University Astana (Kazakhstan)
In process of energy transition, reflections on issues of public concern that affect cultures and societies at the global level are needed. The aim of GEM-SILKWAY CENTRA ASIA is to adopt a cross-cultural perspective in analysing the meaning of concepts like sustainability and human development.
Also, the foreign policies of Central Asian states and their adaptation to the geopolitical realities in 2022-2023 will be analysed. To this end, GEM-SILKWAY is ready to contribute to knowledge and dissemination and offers to young researchers, students and professionals
- a wide panorama of the energy policies undertaken specifically in Central Asia and Europe.
- the new trends in energy production (renewable and conventional),
- the future of nuclear power plant
- challenges of energy poverty
Representatives of Italian industries operating in Central Asia and Kazakhstan’s energy companies will participate.
Program coordinator:
- Prof. Duman Aitmagambetov
- Prof. Marina Calloni
Scientific committee:
- Maurizio Acciarri – University of Milano-Bicocca
- Duman Aitmagambetov – Gumilyov Eurasian National University
- Marina Calloni – University of Milano-Bicocca
- Carlo Lucheroni University of Camerino
- Silvana Stefani – University of Milano-Bicocca